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Hertz Franchisee - "Intertel" Ltd -


Hertz Franchisee - "Intertel" Ltd

  •    Înregistrat la: 24.11.2019
Hertz Franchisee -
  • Regiune: Chișinău, Rep. Moldova
  • Localitate: Chisinau
  • Adresa: Bd. Negruzzi 2, hotel "Cosmos"
  • Telefon: 0 22 27 40 97
  • Pagina Web:


  Scrie un mesaj

Chirie auto în Republica Moldova și în peste 90 de țări.

Welcome to Hertz Car Hire. Rent a car online now from one of our worldwide locations. With over 90 years’ experience in car and van rentals, take advantage of our large vehicle rental selection and make your booking online instantly. With all the best offers and deals on car rental on the website right now, and the option to pay online or upon collection of your car, Hertz is the best place to book your car hire. Start your booking process using the reservation system above or check out latest car rental offers and van hire promotions that are currently available.

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